Transformers Manufacture, single phase, three phase and three-single phase transformers production – C.T.S. snc
and inductances design and manufacture
C.T.S. (Special Transformers manufacture) manufactures custom built transformers to meet any customer's requirements and the production covers all the application fields of dry – type transformers up to 500 kva. Manufacturing process is divided in the following steps:
transformer calculation/inductance and dimensional drawing
core assembly
coil windings
transformer/inductance assembly
connections and initial inspection
polyester resin impregnation ( H class)
surface finishing, final inspection and strenght test
final certification
When coil winding is made directly on the core we use H class angle brackets internally manufactured.
Coil windings are made both in copper and in aluminium: all the aluminium transformers are Tig welded fillet

Welding example
Calculation and manufacture in according to CEI EN 60742 standards about dry-type transformers production

Single phase, three phase and three-single phase transformers with any possible setting plugs and shield between primary and secondary windings.
Single phase tansformers Scott connection.
Single phase and three phase transformers with integrated and leakage reactance.

Mig, Tig, Plasma Cutting, Spot welding transformers.

Three phase, single phase and three-single phase network separators with setting plugs
± 5% on primary windings and shield between primary and secondary
24.000V isolation between primary and windings shield

Three phase and single phase autotransformer.
Phase-shift autotransformers.

50 Hz single phase, single and double, inductances and high frequency components up to 6KHz
three phase inductances

Levelling and interphasic impedances for weldings.
Air reactances.

Special low tension welding transformers.
Air cooling and water cooling.

Transformers in IP00 protection cage.
Cage colour upon client request.

Ferrite inductances for high frequency.